
Spain With Great Hopes Of Returning

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Spain with Great Hopes of Returning Euros, passport, driver’s license are held tightly in my left hand while trying to remember where I placed hotel reservations and train schedules standing in line at JFK Airport. My first adventure to Spain included Madrid, Seville, Grenada, and Barcelona serving a dual purpose. To replenish the mind and body, while rekindling the soul by traveling to far and distant lands and expands my horizons is the perfect reward. Awaking in Madrid, Spain on the twenty second of August, 2007 with my two traveling companions, Doug my nephew and Terry my cousin. I recall the warmth of the heat on my face departing the airport via taxi in route to our hostel. The room had magnificent fourteen foot ceilings and grand iron French doors, opening onto a petite balcony overlooking the hustle and bustle of shoppers and vendors below. Regardless which direction your eyes skated, there was nothing but beauty surrounding me. Looking up and out from the balcony my eye catches the rooftop from across the street elaborately decorated old brick building. The slate had a gray blue tint covering the structure of a castle tower. Brightly colored tiles were neatly embedded around the curved windows and iron balconies on any given angle. Casting your eyes below you could see matching umbrellas shading tables with folks chatting and eating throughout the day. The neighboring side streets were filled with restaurants, and little boutiques showcasing their

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