
Machu Picchu In Peru

Decent Essays

There is no other place to enjoy the burning sun, the magnificent sea, amazing architecture and impressive cuisine. It is a place where boiling of passion adjoins lazy midday languor. Splendid sandy beaches, the most various entertainments and service of the highest level promise to be engraved on the memory forever. It is difficult to choose where to have a rest in Spain, since every resort is wonderful there. Different reality awaits the tourists in the city of astonishing stories and mysteries. The second destination is a pearl of the Incan culture ― a walled town of Machu Picchu in Peru. Spain is the country of wonderful resorts and rich culture. It is difficult to choose only one direction since regions of Spain varied in all respects. However, there is a unique place, which compounds both ancient culture and modern chaos of the present-day society. This is a city of Oviedo, located in the north of Spain. It is the …show more content…

According to UNESCO “It was probably the most amazing urban creation of the Inca Empire at its height; its giant walls, terraces and ramps seem as if they have been cut naturally in the continuous rock escarpments” (UNESCO “Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu”). Machu Picchu surprisingly fits into a surrounding landscape therefore; it is often called “the city in heavens” or “the city among clouds”. Triangular roofs of its buildings seem to be a part of a landscape. It is an engineering and architectural masterpiece. For the construction of such city builders should have had an extensive knowledge of topography, geology, astronomy and ecology. Only natural slopes were used in construction, and the technology provided stability of buildings even in case of a rock inclination or encountering earthquake cases. Today construction of Machu Picchu is represented improbable since even now it is impossible to push a knife blade in a crack of

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