
Spanish American War Research Paper

Decent Essays

!!!The Spanish-American War The United States came to control Cuba as a result of the Spanish-American War of 1898. With the internal frontier officially closed in 1893, U.S. officials, religious leaders, and businessmen looked favorably upon U.S. expansion beyond its continental borders. Business leaders sought external markets in which to sell mass-produced industrial goods, and religious voices in America called for the civilizing and Christianizing of ~'lesser~' peoples abroad. Government leaders, and most ordinary Americans, believed the U.S. had a global mission to spread its way of life and uplift those outside its borders. The Washington Post declared, ~'The taste of empire is in the mouth of the people~' and Americans were eager to …show more content…

By the 1890s, the Spanish colony of Cuba revolted against colonial rule. In addition to the reasons listed above, many Americans also felt that Cubans should not be under the control of brutal Spanish rule any longer. When a U.S. warship accidentally exploded in a Cuban harbor, Americans blamed Spain and Congress declared war. [{Image src='first_marine_battalion_eastern_side_of_guantanamo_bay_cuba_on_10_june_1898.jpg' alt='US landing at Guatanamo Bay during Spanish Am War' caption='The First Marine Battalion (United States), commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Robert W. Huntington, landed on the eastern side of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba on 10 June 1898.'}] In the __Spanish-American War__, the U.S. easily defeated the decrepit Spanish forces in 114 days. A U.S. official called the conflict ~'A Splendid Little War.~' With this victory, the United States now gained control of former Spanish colonies in the Caribbean, including Cuba. Though the __Teller Amendment of 1898__ proclaimed the U.S. would not seek to annex and control Cuba after the war, government and military leaders doubted Cubans could manage their own affairs in ~'America's backyard.~' General William Shafter, for instance, proclaimed Cubans are ~'no more fit for self-government than gun-powder is for hell.~' Cuba declared its independence on January 1, 1899, but U.S. soldiers remained for the next two …show more content…

Written by U.S. Senator Orville Platt, this amendment overruled and replaced the Teller Amendment. ~'Cuba consents that the United States may exercise the right to intervene for the protection of Cuban independence,~' the __Platt Amendment__ read, and ~'the maintenance of a government adequate for the protection of life, property, and individual liberty.~' The amendment made Cuba a __protectorate__ of the U.S., which placed the island in a state of dependency upon America. In addition, the Platt Amendment denied Cuba's right to sign any treaty with a third power and allowed the United States to oversee the Cuban government's finances. Finally, the amendment ceded the U.S. land for a military base at __Guantanamo

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