
Essay about Spanish

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Analyse the use of language and popular culture in Carmen Martín Gaite’s El cuarto de atrás and Rosa Montero’s Te trataré como a una reina. How do they influence identity (and specifically gender identity)?
Carmen Martin Gaite and Rosa Montero are two female Spanish writers that grew up under the Francoist regime and who where part of the ‘feminist boom’ of Spanish writing that appeared in the ‘transition period’. They concentrated on those traditionally marginalised by society, particularly women. The themes concentrated on female issues such as motherhood, relationships, female relations, power, suppression, societal ideas and most importantly identity. While there was indeed the publishing of many memoirs that dealt with an …show more content…

By starting the text with Mancebo’s article we are allowed an insight the male perspective and the gender stereotypes reinforced by society . Bella, as she doesn’t fit in with the traditional female identity is portrayed as abnormal and masculine,(‘era much mas alta y mucho mas orpulenta que el infortunado’) while Antonio in many areas is shaped into the ideal male model envisaged by society.(‘Los vecinos aseguran que don Antonio fue siempre un hombre callodo y educado que nunca dio lugar a escandalos’ ) Through the article and the transcripts we see the typical male attitude. All condemn Bella and see Antonio in a positive light . The rest of the story is told through the third person narrative with interjections of different forms of text and narration throughout. The sceptical and ironic tone of the third person narrator constantly urges us to challenge and question the validity and the possibility of the traditional stereotypes portrayed in the text in relation to gender identity. Antonia’s letter to her mother illustrates female passivity and subordination and the maternal role in the sense of female identity in society. Antonia adopts a maternal tone for both Antonio and Damian . But the last letter highlights a change, Antonia makes herself the subject.

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