
Spanking : Parenting Affects The Behavior Of Their Children

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Spanking positively affects the behavior of an offspring. Parents and/or guardians should spank their children in order to discipline them . Being about corporal punishment, spanking is one of them. The purpose of it is to reinforce the behavior of the child. The argument of parents being able spank their child has been going on for decades, should it be considered as child abuse or is it negative physical contact.

Spanking is considered or defined as slapping on the butt. It is in fact considered as corporal punishment because it causes pain, and is generally done with a hand. Although different tools for spanking can include switches (a switch is a twig pulled from a tree or a bush), belt, or a paddle. Spanking is used as a form of punishment when a misbehaves. It is used to teach the child's that what he did was not appropriate, and that action will not be tolerated. Spanking usually immediately follows the misbehavior from the child.

The age a child should receive a spanking from is three to six years of age. During this age range they are learning more. Their brains are developing and they are fully aware of what they are doing. For example, a ten month old baby does not know to turn their food over while they are eating it. But a three year old does it multiple times and should be spanked because he knows what he is doing. This comes into play also with the terrible two’s they are struggling between to rely on their parents or independence.

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