I was very surprised and shocked to hear the news. Personally, I think spanking should be banned in our society. Spanking is an unsuitable punishment, an abusive form of discipline and can be destructive to a child’s self-esteem. . Spanking may also teach a child to physically lash out at others as a way of problem solving Adults need to use consistent and effective approaches of discipline to assist their children learn.
Should spanking and other forms of physical punishment be illegal. Strict parents say yes, leniant parents say no. What can be the affects of such behavior? A child who has gotten itno trouble may be victim of this punishment that has been accepted moreso in third world countries. A mother of four who has been fed up has a youngest child.When a child acts up, it can be seen as okay to spank or discipline. A displanory action. Why not? Why isn't that okay? Usually when a parent spanks the child, the child retreats and does not commit whatever the offense. They, "are cured" or are they now terrified of their caregivers? What if the child has taken negative contitations after recieving a spank? The child may go to school sad, and
She goes from stating facts, to responding to people’s opinions, then to stating incidents that were in current news. Robbins makes a clear and logical approach to why Americans should not tolerate spanking any longer and she makes it very interesting with her strong points. Robbins is definitely biased through her entire article because she does not believe that there are any benefits of spanking. She makes it clear, as I state again, that parents need to stop terrorizing their children because they cannot defend themselves. Therefore, the readers of this article either feel discouraged about the ways they treat their kids or they agree with Robbins. People could disagree with Robbins by thinking that spanking should be used because it teaching children discipline because it teaches children how to behave. On the other hand, they will agree by believing that spanking should be not tolerated any
We live in a world where punishment is used in order to teach someone a lesson, or to show them that acting a certain way isn’t right. The mission of parents is to be able to teach their kids to surpass them, and to prepare them for the real world. One way of punishment that a lot of parents practice is spanking their children. According to the website, Brookings.edu, it states that in North America, 81% of parents say that spanking their children is sometimes appropriate. While some parents think that spanking is a good way in order to discipline their children, they shouldn’t because it teaches them that violence is the answer, it can cause emotional damage, and it doesn’t teach them how to communicate with other people.
This issue of corporal punishment is a current issue that many people have on their minds. The issue strikes an emotional chord for many whom were or were not punished by spanking during their own childhoods. The issue generally focuses on the effect that spanking or other discipline methods will have on children. I will specifically be exploring the question: is it ever appropriate to spank a child? The cases for and against the spanking of young children are many and varied. But the main issue is the level of appropriateness that the act can reach.
The only article available for review (from my student access account) at this time was very outdated and does not even fully support spanking. For future direction, there should be a move to begin to look and see if there are any sort of benefits of spanking. These could be anything, including respect or self-discipline later in life. Studies regarding the “pro-spanking” side of this controversy, however, will likely be difficult to conduct and time-consuming. The reason is because to effectively study either side of this controversy, a longitudinal study is required. To see if there are any benefits of spanking, studies may need to last as long as twenty or thirty years to assess benefits that carry out into adulthood and parenting. Studies lasting this long become difficult for participants to follow up with. However, it is important that more research be done to see if there are any benefits related to spanking children. If more research can be done, people may become less ignorant to either side of this topic and the controversy may have potential of being put to
Should a parent have the choice to choose what is best for their child or should somebody else decide what is best. Like what if you child did something like breaking a something in your home. Who should decide what kind of punishment the child gets, you or the law. This is something that many parents are arguing not only here in the States but all around this world. The problem is with corporal punishment if it should be allowed or banned. What this is meaning is should the parent have the right to lets say spank their child when the child has done something wrong or give the power to the government to choose what you do to your child. There are many parents who believe that a child should have a voice in what happens to them. This may be
Many of these parents who support spanking feel it is their right to do so. This is justified by the simple fact as when they were a child they were spanked and said “I turned out okay”. This is probably true for most of them, but 2017 is a different world from when they were children. Supporting parents often say they know when and where to draw the line. “At least 1,200 children are killed every year at the hands of their parents in the name of physical punishment.” (Guidance of Effective Discipline, online). As I stated early, there is no written guideline to follow, so how do we know when enough is enough? There is a huge grey area that is undefined and the true answer is they don’t. Parents sometimes forget that it is there duty to teach and educate to help our children reach their full potential. Parents need to stop justifying their rights to discipline as a parent and focus on changing the culture by using alternative methods and
Even though there is no sufficient research base to change Americans minds to not spank their kids. (Hyman) Many latch onto the concept of using corporal punishment due to what they think is right, even though there is no evidence to support the clams they perceive. Society needs to understand that things are changing, that children these days run into different issues. But this debate will continue I’m sure until a study comes out even though it would sound unethical to spank a group of kids while not doing it to another.
Even after years of research, the issue of whether spanking is an adequate discipline strategy or damaging to children remains a controversial topic. According to Kazdin and Benjet (2003) the definition of spanking is “. . . hitting a child with an open hand on the buttocks or extremities with the intent to discipline without leaving a bruise or causing physical harm (p. 100). In addition, according to Maguire-Jack, Gromoske and Berger (2012) only a few studies propose that spanking is an effective form of discipline. On the other hand, there is more evidence to show that spanking is an unsuccessful form of discipline that can led to unwanted consequences (p. 1960). I personally do not take a stance in this topic because I can see valid points from both parties. Although, I believe that the way the punishment is presented to the child is extremely important. For example, I feel that the child should know why he or she is punished and what is expected of them thereafter.
In today's society, one would believe that spanking would have been long gone, however seven out of ten adults believe that a, “good, hard spanking is sometimes necessary to discipline a child,” according to the 2014 wave of the General Social Survey (Clement). As the idea of spanking has become more popularized with Adrian Peterson’s recent incident of accusations of physically abusing his four-year old child, the public has become more aware of how sever spanking can be and how it can easily lead to child abuse. Peterson’s incident resulted into charges of child abuse and being removed from the National Football League (NFL). With this incident, the public has began to ask themselves where the line is drawn between spanking and child abuse, and whether or not it should be okay. Though many have strong opinions that spanking is a more effective way of discipline, the scientific and biblical evidence shows larger negative effects in the future. Spanking should not be allowed because it can lead to child abuse and can physically and mentally damage a child.
Spanking has become an arguably debatable form of discipline. According to a study at the University of Texas, the more children are spanked, the more likely they are to defy their parents (“Spanking: Pros and Cons”). There is a connection between spanking during the childhood and mental health diagnoses later in life. There are other options of discipling your child than spanking them, especially because all children can take spanking differently. Parents should not spank their child because it showers that being “stronger” is right, demonstrates that older people have a right to hit younger people, and gives the examples that violence solves all problems.
Kids now days believe they are entitled to everything, which as a result do not know how to handle being spanked, often because it does not occur in the home. Honestly there is a fine line between spanking your child and abusing them. Parents give their kids whatever the child desires now days, which results in a spoiled rotten child. Those children do not how to work for anything. When they do something wrong they expect their parents to just simply deal with it and when the parent decides otherwise they give the parent attitude and throw a little hissy fit. As parents, adults have the right to do what they deem fit in all fifty states. Outlawing spanking will not make it any easier to
Many reasons why people are fearful of the spanking technique are because they believe it to be “ineffective” and dangerous. Some believe that it is only going to produce fear itself into the child’s eye, and only make the child fear his parents rather than understand that there is a reason behind the spanking. Because of this act of “harm” some would say, it is only going to produce a negative effect inside the child’s brain and he will use this new found knowledge on other children. This spanking, explained by experts, will only negatively impact children rather than producing a better outcome, and will make the child produce a violent behavior of their own later on in life. While on the other side of the argument, people believe that it if spanking is properly used and understood by the child, it will be the most effective to repent undesirable behavior in younger children (not of infants). It’s believed that if you take away privileges from the child, it will only increase their temperament and make them behave even more inappropriate than before. When children become older then spanking from the parents or family should become less frequent because the child will understand that there will be consequences for their own actions taken place. But the spanking shouldn’t be used to actually cause physical harm, because this would be come to known as actual child abuse, rather than actual method to better increase the actions of the child. All and all I believe that spanking is a proper technique in disciplining children. Although it’s a good to do so it also has to be used in an appropriate matter, otherwise it could just turn into child abuse. But I believe earth itself is becoming too soft, and soon one day everything will be dangerous. If it were possible, would you want to live
One reason that there should be longer jail time for this is according to “Spanking Can Be an Appropriate Form of Discipline in the Home” Children have life-changing experiences. This affects
can be charming and delightful it is usually the two legged terror that get's noticed the most. Who