
Speak Movie Essay

Decent Essays

The movie that I saw is “Speak”. In this movie, the protagonist, Melinda Sordino, rejects to speak to others when she gets into high school. She becomes unsocial and strange, and due to this reason, her life gets terrible. At last, she chooses to tell others the reason for her behaviors; the truth is that she was raped. After watching this movie, We could guess that she is experiencing a psychological disorder called Posttraumatic stress disorder(PTSD). Our book has mentioned that “PTSD is unique among disorders listed in the DSM-5, because it is the only one with a specified cause: To be diagnosed with PTSD, you must have experienced trauma” (Textbook, chapter 14, 14-10). In this movie, the trauma that Melinda has experienced is that she was raped. Her symptoms include hypervigilance, emotional numbing, reexperiencing in the form of dreaming and other …show more content…

We know that PTSD is always caused by a trauma. We used 911as example to illustrate PTSD. Before watching this movie, I may think that large disaster would lead people to have posttraumatic stress disorder, but I have never think that PTSD could exist in our life such easily. This is what I learned from the movie at first. By watching this movie, it also enhances my understanding of symptoms of PTSD. It provides a clearer idea of these symptoms for me. What is more! In the past, I thought past event just past. Although we learned this in the class, I did not really realize such psychological disorder could affect our lives so deep and in so many aspects. This movie uses a very detail way to show us things about PTSD. If we still have to say the movie has something not good, it would be the fact that this is a movie, not a record. When it is a movie, it may exaggerate something to make the movie more attractive for audiences. In other words, it may change somethings in some degree to make it more readable. We have to selectively understand things that this movie shows to

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