
Spec Ops Satire

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“I’m sorry, Walker. But you knew it would end this way. Your friends, dead. The world on fire. And you… alone.” By the time the credits roll at the end of the video game Spec Ops: The Line, Captain Martin Walker is an utterly broken man. He stumbles about the city of Dubai in a hallucinatory trance, looking for any reason to keep putting one foot before the other. Walker’s descent into madness, brought about by the atrocities he has wrought, is one of the most compelling character arcs to appear in the shooter genre – a class of video games usually associated with indifference to the horrors of war. Spec Ops is therefore a highly subversive work of fiction. It manipulates conventions to show players what they have missed, to inspire them to …show more content…

Spec Ops is most directly a reaction to the Call of Duty series, an industry juggernaut that has come to define the modern shooter. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, the sixth entry in the series, is the quintessential title of its genre. The game became a blueprint for shooters when it demonstrated how an activity as morally dubious as killing could be used to ensnare audiences. On this subject, Kyle Kontour writes, “it is not merely the market that has become militarized, but the rhetoric of recruitment has itself become integral to advertising these games – purchasing and playing a commercial war game becomes, according to its promotional material, an act of volunteering one’s service” (57). Kontour argues that developers of shooters attempt to convince players that their actions are serving a greater good, an unpleasant but vital end. Players come to believe that they can be entertained while simultaneously providing a service – albeit a virtual service – for their country. This is the spirit behind Activision’s “There’s a Soldier in All of Us” campaign. Everyone can be a soldier, they say – everyone can be a hero and fulfill their duties from the comfort of their living room. Thus, Activision transforms killing from the problem to the

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