
Special Agent Job Analysis

Decent Essays

I was selected to attend Special Agent’s class for the National Security Agency in October of 2013. Thousands of individuals apply for this opportunity and I was one of approximately thirty people to be selected to begin a career in public service. This was the first major accomplishment in my professional career with many more to take place and hopefully many more to come. After a period of time conducting personnel security investigations, I was selected for a highly sought after position in the Security Operations Command Center (SOCC). The SOCC is a twenty-four hour watch floor responsible for the protection of the Agency’s people, facilities, and information. While working as a Security Duty Officer (SDO) in the SOCC, I respond to medical emergencies, security and law enforcement …show more content…

In the fall of 2015, I responded to an emergency medical incident where an individual attempted to take his own life by stabbing himself with a pair of scissors in the head and chest. When I arrived on scene I immediately assisted in the rendering of aid to the individual and ensuring emergency medical services were on the way. The individual was taken to the hospital and treated for his wounds, making a full recovery. Additionally, the individual was treated for the underlying psychiatric condition in which brought upon the suicide attempt. I was fortunate enough to speak to the individual’s wife who advised me that because of our work, he was able to obtain the help he needs and is now living a completely different and healthier life. After working in the SOCC as an SDO for approximately two years, I was promoted to Senior Watch Officer (SWO). Being promoted to SWO has been the most beneficial accomplishment thus far in my professional career. This position has taught me how to manage intense and highly dynamic situations, oversee a work environment occupied by employees with vastly different personalities, and how to multi-task to a level I did not know was even

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