
Special Education Teacher Interview Report

Decent Essays

My interviewee for this project was Dana Ballard. She is a 4th grade general education teacher who has experience working with special needs students in a general education environment. Through this interview, I gained much insight on how inclusion and collaboration works, including how to work efficiently with other teachers, how to motivate students, and what implications such an environment may have on the students and their abilities.

When I was interning as a special education teacher in my senior year of high school, one of the most difficult problems I encountered was the lack of motivation in most of my students. Their unwillingness to work hard and complete the tasks given, despite the fact I knew that they could succeed led me …show more content…

Fear of conflicting opinions with another teacher, disagreeing on methods used, or generally not getting along, may all seem like possible scenarios in the workplace. However, as my interviewee mentioned in the interview, the most important people in a school environment are the students. Their needs should be prioritized above all else, and as teachers, it is within our duty to ensure that they are given the right tools needed to succeed in and out of the classroom. Collaboration is not merely two teachers trying to push their opinions and teaching methods on the students, but just as the word suggests, it is the cohesion of two minds working together for the success of each and every student within their care.

Every student has different needs within the classroom. As it is such, it is important that the teachers in charge of the students use a plethora of methods to ensure that every student is being challenged to their maximum ability. In an inclusion classroom, where there are such a variety of students, it is of paramount importance that regular assessments are given so that plans in order to further the children's educational goals are made and met. Regardless of whether a student is special needs or not, encouragement and support when failure is met is crucial to a student’s

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