
Special K Play Moral Analysis

Decent Essays

Special-K by Ashley Clark Based on “Special K is not a Cereal. A Justin Seaborne Story” Characters in the Play Justin Seaborne A nuclear physicist who finds himself in a bunch of trouble. Detective Abrams Detective in local police department, head of the case. Detective Carlson Detective Abrams partner. The “good cop” Robert “Bobby” Taylor Justin Seaborne’s attorney and lifelong friend. Wayne Benson Long time friend and former coworker of Justin Seaborne Margaret “Maggie” Benson Wife of Wayne Benson, also long time friend of Justin. Max unknown stranger who was sent to kidnap Justin and retrieve the key. The Gunman Max’s partner/ boss other guards, cops, and paramedics. …show more content…

I’ll say it again no matter how I look, or smell, for that matter, I have not killed anyone. I haven't had a drink in over a year. DET. ABRAMS Well, it appears you weren’t listening. We have all the evidence we need to lock you up for a long time. You going to be convicted of first degree murder. DET. CARLSON Look, we’re giving you a chance to tell your side of the story. If you could just explain what the Bensons did to you or didn’t do or what ever happened that night, it might help us understand why you murdered them. It could help us help you. Right now you’re facing the death penalty. JUSTIN SEABORNE What are you talking about? The death penalty. I didn't do anything. DET. CARLSON Did you feel threatened by them? Was it self-defense? Is that what happened Mr.Seaborne, because if that's the case you may be able to plead down to involuntary manslaughter. But, the only way for that to happen is if you tell us what really happened. JUSTIN SEABORNE WHY WON’T YOU LISTEN TO ME! I didn’t kill them. I wasn’t threatened by them. I went to their house last night for dinner that’s all. I wouldn’t kill my best friends you’ve got to believe me… Please believe me. Det. Abrams walks behind Justin and leans down to his ear

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