
Special Needs In Special Education

Decent Essays

Every student is “special needs” to some existent, meaning every child is different and they all learn different ways. However, some students do have serious learning disabilities. As a teacher, it is important to be able to meet the needs of every child in a classroom. Teachers will encounter diverse groups of students, some will learn very quickly, other may have a slight learning disability, and some may have serious health problems or other disabilities. After my field experience, I learned the importance of being able to connect and work with all students. The article also helped to break down what special needs children look and act like and what additional assistance they may need.
During my field experience, I observed a sixth-grade class with several students who were part of the special education program. There was a paraprofessional assigned to the classroom to help out these students. However, she was not able to help all of the students by herself. I felt my cooperating teaching did not try her best to meet the needs of these students. She seemed to act like they were not her responsibility because they were special needs, and the para was in charge of them. Many times, she expected them to be able to do the same work as the other students and at the same pace. It was clear they were struggling, but instead of helping them she would get frustrated and upset with them. I know special needs children are capable of doing some work and I believe it is okay to

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