
Special Prison Populations

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Corrections are an important part of the criminal justice system and they work in concert with law enforcement and the courts. Citizens in the United States expect criminals to be monitored, with some in secured facilities, so they will not fear of becoming continual victim of crime. To illustrate this expectation further, there are 2.5 million individuals on probation or parole and 1 million individuals in jails or prisons (Morris & Tonry, 2013, p. 370). However, does every individual confined in jails and prisons still need to be there or is there a better way to deal with certain special prison populations? Due to the large number of prisoners within the correctional system, certain special populations of inmates do not receive the rehabilitation or care needed to successfully reintegrate back into society. Additionally, these special populations create an undue burden on the correctional system in terms of financial costs associated with their confinement. There are changes that can be made to the criminal justice system to accommodate special populations of inmates. This paper will explore the alternative …show more content…

Between 1900 and 2000, the life expectancy in this country has risen from 47 to 78 years of age (Rikard & Rosenberg, 2013, p. 404). Although the older population has grown from 4% to 13% in the United States during the same period, the elder prison population has grown substantially. For example, between 1994 and 1998, Texas saw an 86% increase in the elderly prison populations while California expects to see a 200% increase by 2020 (Rikard & Rosenberg, 2013, p. 404). When determining the need to incarcerate an elderly individual, several costly considerations must be made. Elderly inmates require more medical care compared to the younger prisoners and special accommodations must be consider for older inmates (Rikard & Rosenberg, 2013, p.

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