
Speech For Freshman Class Senator

Decent Essays

My fellow tigers, today I officially announce my candidacy for Freshman Class Senator. I come before you all today, humbled by all that God has blessed me with. I am a first generation college student, I come from a single parent household and I understand how hard it was for some of us to reach this far. Although this class has not been with each other for an extended period of time, I have been able to shake some your hands, hear some of your stories, and understand how we could improve this school together. On today I think back on the rich history of Texas Southern University. I think about all that this institution and its student have had to endure over time. I think about the marches and sit in’s on the tiger walk, I think about the false stigmas that have been latched upon any student who has attended this institution, I think about the Jordans and Leland's who never gave up in the face of fear, who never lost hope …show more content…

A lot of issues to be addressed. However, I have put together a four-point plan that will begin to move us in the direction of progress. First, let us reduce the cost of textbooks. Because no student who has made it this far should bear the uncertainty of whether or not they will have enough to get a textbook and have their education potentially shut down due to rising textbook cost. Second, let us establish fiscal responsibility. As your Senator, I will guarantee that your money is spent wisely on programs that will benefit each and every one of you. Third, let us work toward bringing new career internship opportunities for all of you here on campus. These opportunities will be able to provide you all with job experience within an area you would like to pursue in the future. And finally, let us bring more inclusiveness to the Class of 2020. As your Senator, I will host Freshman town halls every month to truly understand the issues you all face here on a daily basis. But, also to hear your voices and

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