
Speech On Dercum's Disease

Decent Essays

Dercum’s disease (DD), known medically as adiposis dolorosa (which literally translates to painful fat) was first recognized by Dr. Francis Xavier Dercum in 1888. Though Dercum’s disease is its most recognizable name it is really a syndrome (a collection of symptoms that indicate a disease) and sadly, it being one of the rarer of the orphan diseases, there are not many medical professionals that even know it by any name let alone how to diagnose or treat it.
Dercum’s is known to effect the vascular and lymphatic systems. There are many symptoms that can present but the main indication of Dercum’s is painful growths in the subcutaneous fat. These fatty growths are called lipomas and can happen all though out the body and because they are so …show more content…

The Ice Bucket Challenge was a wonderful feat of awareness and fundraising for ALS. I marvel at the simple brilliance of using social media in the way they did and I am so happy that it was so successful. Now let me tell you all a secret. All of us suffering from other really rare and lessor known diseases had a thought or two go through our heads through the entire summer of watching video after video of friends, family and famous people drench themselves in ice cold water, “Where is our awareness? Where are our funds for research coming from? What about …show more content…

One disease it has a lot in common with is lymphatic cancer, but without having the malignant cells most doctors cannot justify to an insurance company that we would benefit from radiation. In all reality, we don’t even know if we would benefit anyhow because there is just not enough of us to do trials on.
I’m Tired of Talking and Not Being Heard
OK, I’ll admit, I love to talk. I love to write. I love to explain. In fact I have been told that I am a chronic over-explainer but some days I am just too tired of explaining just what is going on with me. One day I may be up and fine and another day I am out for the count.
For some reason I feel that if someone tells you they have cancer there is just that understanding and no explanation is needed. Since I love to explain so much, let me try to make this clear: If someone has a sickness that is going to be with them until the day they die, whether it is that sickness that is the cause of their death or something else, it remains a burden every day. Some days are better than others but it is still there insinuating itself in our bodies and waiting to strike again. Oh and usually it strikes with a vengeance if we mere sickly mortals think we have overcome it even for one single sunny

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