
Speech On Freedom Of Speech

Decent Essays

Freedom of speech is the right of every American Citizen, it recognized in the First Amendment. It allows anybody to voice their opinion about what they see, feel, or believe to be true without censorship or restraint. Do people still use free speech or are they too afraid? Is our freedom of speech being censored because the topics are not socially accepted? Should there be regulations? The videos that were listed provoked a deep sense of sadness and anger all at the same time. Some of the videos with Denis Miller were funny while others that showed the violent riots and protests sadden me. Others provoked an emotion like unbelief. The point of views from both sides of the videos was relatable to a point yet the one that was the most compelling was the video posted by The National called “Free Speech under attack”. The most compelling video was the one that looked through the eyes of a college student who got censored for trying to make a change that would not only help people but it could invoke a change that would help society. It was from the campus of Berkley, a guy formed a club that has both male and female members to help bring up and treat issues men have yet are sometimes forced to hide because of how society views them. They bring up and tell men where to go if they have a mental illness for example. This club is forced to stay in a small room because Berkley refuses to view them as a club. They get targeted by the feminists club and students veer away from them. The president of the club has since taken a break and now a woman is continuing on his good work.
The most offensive and shocking one was the video by Renegade Broadcasting called Two Minutes of Hate [Anti-White Racism]. It was very violent and hate-filled video that talked about murdering the white race, saying that the cripple, the women, and the children were going to be killed in an unsavory way. There were talking about how people who were white were the cause of the whole situation and to resolve it, ever last white person had to be dead. It shocked me to the core, not because of the content this video showed, but because of how angry these people were. They sounded like a rabid animal trapped in a corner with no way out. If I

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