
Speech On Freedom Of Speech

Decent Essays

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” This quote, written by Evelyn Beatrice Hall, is what I believe to be the basic premises of freedom of speech. I believe in tolerance and in kindness, so the way I perceive freedom of speech and political protest are extremely different than many other citizens’ viewpoints. That is what America is; she is a country that is diverse with many different opinions. Many Americans across the nation just do not understand what exactly their freedom is? Nor do they understand how it works and how to express that freedom. In The Washington Post it said, “Survey after survey has shown that too many students at all levels — including in college — don’t understand free speech and don’t know that it is guaranteed by the First Amendment.” This statement has helped me realize that due to the lack of understand the first amendment, people just say whatever comes to their mind without checking that information. In this age, it is wise to make sure that the knowledge that is known is true. False information gets leaked all the time and those who do not want to know the truth tend to side with fake news. First of all, this past year famous athlete, Colin Kaepernick, has caused uproar in the political world, which started when Kaepernick decided to take a knee during the national anthem. His reasoning behind what some people might call outrage is that America oppresses African Americans and other races of color. In an article I read online, called “Americas new lesson in Tolerance,” it was discussing how Kaepernick did nothing wrong, he may have offended some people but he did not hurt, damage, or threaten another person’s freedom. He just stood up for his own right to voice his opinion. His reasoning for protesting the national anthem is what he believes is right. I understand that others have different opinions but we life in a country where his right is protected by the constitution. Not many people understand this though. So whenever someone wants to take a stand for what they believe is right it tends to lead to other problems that the government has to deal with. Furthermore, the government’s job is to help protect the constitution,

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