
Comparison Of The Pittsburgh Steelers

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Pittsburgh Steelers The Pittsburgh Steelers are a prime example of a Discourse community. They have set goals and are not going to let anything get in the way of those goals. As every NFL team has the goal of winning a Championship only 1 team achieves that goal each year. Some teams just aren’t good in general and some are great, but let little issues interfere with their team chemistry which makes them lose. Then there are teams that come together on issues and work them out so that they can be as successful as they can, but with this season there is a huge issue that all teams are going to have to go through and that is the National Anthem. The National Anthem is our country’s theme song and it is very highly respected throughout our great country. The Anthem talks about freedom, liberty, and justice for all and about how there are great men and women who risk their lives every day so our country can be free. So, when the Anthem is played at professional football games everyone stands and holds their hand over their heart and respects our flag and our Anthem because that is the least we can do to help support and show our respects to our soldiers and our great country. As many people can see, a lot of things are changing, and these changes started when Colin Kaepernick (Former Quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, now a free agent) decided to take a knee instead of standing during the National Anthem in the 2016-17 season. Colin says he did this not to disrespect the soldiers and war veterans but, to bring awareness of the issues going on in our country. Colin said that he felt that our country is not free and justice is not done fairly. He believes there is too much Police brutality “there are people being murdered unjustly and not being held accountable”-Kaepernick. Also, he believes African Americans are treated and looked at differently and it has been that way in the past and it still hasn’t changed. Once Colin kneeled and said all the things he needed to get off his chest the world shook. African American people and professional athletes all over the world agreed with what he did. I’m not saying white people didn’t agree, but it was more African Americans that felt the same way Colin did and

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