
Speech On Save My World

Decent Essays

1) Save my world, why won’t you save my world?
a) Does this sound familiar to you? It is the lyrics to the song “Save my World”, which is an initiative of the Saving Gaia project by Mediacorp ( You would probably have heard the song countless of times on the television, radio and in public, but has it impacted you to do your part in saving our world?
2) As such, you would probably have already correctly inferred that I will be talking about saving our world, and specifically, through recycling.
a) First off, the topic my group and I chose for our Project Work in JC was recycling and we researched for more than 6 months on this topic. As such, I hope that would prove my credibility on this topic.
b) I will be talking about …show more content…

ii) Although some funding would be required, I feel that it would be worthwhile as we would be raising awareness for a good cause. Although the Office of Environmental Sustainability already has the sustainABLE owl as their ambassador, they could create a costume and make the sustainABLE owl their mascot, and have a routine parade of it to enhance awareness. Furthermore, if the mascot is created, the costume could be reused in the future as well.

(Connective used: Transition)

5) However, you may be wondering how this plan of encouraging NUS students to recycle may benefit you.
a) If students were to be motivated by the plan to recycle within campus, they may adopt the habit of recycling outside the campus as well. This would increase the recycling rate in Singapore, and reduce land pollution and the incineration of wastes.
i) This would not only benefit students, but also benefit everyone in Singapore as the increase in recycling rates would create a cleaner environment for all. ii) As such, this plan is beneficial in creating a cleaner and greener Singapore for all.

(Connective used: …show more content…

a) Drop your plastic bottles into the recycling bins around the campus when you are done with your drinks and recycle your lecture notes or any paper you do not need.
b) All in all, recycle any recyclable items that you are ready to discard.
c) In fact, you can start now by recycling your speech outline!
1) In conclusion, I have told you about the need to recycle and how this need is relevant to you. I also talked about my plan to encourage recycling among NUS students in campus, as well as its practicality and how it is of benefit to you. Lastly, I appealed for you to start recycling from now, if you have not already done so.

2) I would like to end off by saying that an apple a day may keep the doctor away, but a recycled item a day, would keep doomsday away. Start recycling now!

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