
Speech On Teenage Sports

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It is a brisk spring evening as you walk towards the vibrant lights, the cold air racing towards you and slapping your fiery cheeks. You tug open the heavy doors, a wave of noise echoing from behind the brick wall straight ahead. As you saunter towards the gym, the buzz of soft voices grow louder and louder, and if you step one foot inside, you’ll hear an eruption of commotion, your ears filling as quickly and painfully as a predator pouncing on its prey. You stop in confusion. Observing, frowning, waiting. You hear the squeal of dusty shoes on the gym floor. Parents yelling as the buzzer sounds, leaping from their seats, wailing in agony as they scream at the unfairness of it all. Their faces red with fury, fists balled up like a little kid throwing a temper tantrum. The shrill shriek of the whistle, half the room joyous, half crestfallen. You see the sharp pain in their eyes, the look of defeat plastered across their faces. They did it for their team, their friends, their coaches, and families. From the passion, the love, and competition… but when do these sports cross the line? For as long as we can remember, there has been healthy competition. But when we incorporate it into teen sports, it may lead to something more. It may merely seem harmless, like fun and games, a passion, and a drive to play. But once we add other aspects, the entire environment changes. There is an extensive list of harmful psychological effects resulting from teen sports, including effects of

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