
Spider Veins Research Paper

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Spider Veins and Your Health: 5 Things You Need to Know

According to the American College of Phlebology (ACP), over 25 million adults have from some kind of venous disorder. Varicose veins are corded, enlarged veins that bulge above the skin. Spider veins are similar to varicose veins, but they are smaller and closer to the skin. They typically appear as web-like red or blue lines. Below introduces five things that you need to know about spider veins.

What Causes Spider Veins?

Spider veins are normally caused by increased pressure in the veins or blood backups. Age is a definite risk factor for developing spider veins. This is because the veins naturally weaken as the body grows older. Hormone changes …show more content…

Common symptoms include cramping, aching and swelling in the legs. People with varicose veins also report their legs sometimes feel tired or heavy. Keep in mind that the more obese a person is, the harder it is to observe the varicose veins.

How to Reduce your Spider Vein Risk
While there are many naturally occurring causes of spider veins, there are are also natural preventative techniques. For example, proper exercise, such as jogging or cycling, will increase both leg and body circulation. Losing weight will greatly help to relieve pressure on the veins. If possible, avoid standing for long periods of time. If this is not feasible, consider purchasing compression stocking, which is available at most pharmacies. On the other hand, sitting can also contribute to varicose veins. Therefore, be sure not to cross your legs and if possible, elevate your feet.

When to Seek Medical Treatment
If the vein becomes swollen, tender or red, seek medical attention. Another warning sign is if the skin becomes thick or a rash develops. Finally, if the unattractive appearance causes you psychological discomfort or distress, consider getting treatment.

What are the Possible Treatments for Spider

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