
Split Night Polysomnogram Protocol Summary

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Split night polysomnogram protocol was explained upon the patients arrival. The patient is currently here to assess for sleep apneas due to symptoms such as daytime sleepiness, snoring as well as a a BMI of 34.37. Lights off at 2141, Supine quiet 96% 2245 Left quiet 93% 0016 Right quiet 96% 0116 Left quiet 92% 0227 Left quiet 95% 0415 Supine quiet 95% 0515 Supine quiet 96% Lights on at 0541 During the study the patient had moderate leg movements with little to no related arousals. The patient slept in the supine postion as well as alternating from his right to left sides. Light snoring was observed late into the study. The patient did not meet criteria for CPAP therapy due to not achieve enough events. Although he did have some hypopneic

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