
Spoken Into Creation, By Ethel Song

Decent Essays

This poem is very meaningful and inspirational to those who have experienced a lapse of faith, a heartbreak, a deep sadness or a hopelessness. Written by Ethel Song, it exposes the connection between words and faith and explores the pain of words caused by love. In “Spoken Into Creation,” the writer uses hyperbole, simile, and symbolism to portray the idea that words have a powerful influence on a soul through faith and love.

One of the focal points of Song’s poem is the very idea that we were spoken into creation by God. She takes that idea a step further by using the phrase, “You’re consisted of words. I’m consisted of words” (Song 6). Song represents the human soul with words because she believes it as a literal connection. She uses this symbolism to express her faith throughout the poem, and how the “her” mentioned effected that faith. Song heavily identifies herself with words that are typically associated with Christians, like bold and bright, and when she was experiencing social anxiety and darkness, the only things that could bring peace to her soul were the words God spoke to her, “Joy, confidence, agape” (Song 29). …show more content…

Most of the poem is about a “her” that the author idolized, and how that infatuation “granted her the influence of God” (Song 9). A human cannot actually obtain the power of God, so this exaggeration shows the extent of the power a loved one’s words can hold. When idolized, that person’s words hold even more meaning than normal. For example, isn’t every single word spoken by a crush remembered and obsessed over? The last words of a deceased grandmother cherished forever? Because of love, words mean so much

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