
Spread Of Islam Research Paper

Decent Essays

Jesus tap dancing Christ, at least try to think about what you want to say first, than write it down. One should never just blurt stuff out, it could make you sound like a dummy. Your comments make it obvious that you are clearly an over anxious blubbering superstitious neophyte. Something that is also obvious, is that you are well over your head when talking to me about god.

As if to prove my point, when you tried to defend an imaginary god; you said: "Islam is the last of all religions introduced on this earth..." You would be wrong on that one, there have been many religions "introduced on this earth" after the Abrahamic religions. And their believers think they're just as real as your nonsensical imaginary gods, fairies, demons or wizards. The point is, you do not understand what you were trying to say with that statement, you are simply throwing it out there. Like I said, you should think first, then write it down so you don't sound like a dummy. …show more content…

But even if you were smart enough to get that out, you would still be wrong in bringing it up. The post never mentions rules as to what god to use in the answer. Seeing how I live in America and was raised Catholic, Islam would have nothing to do with my answer, get it dummy? I am answering how I would see it, not how you or some other dummy sees

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