
Squeaky Character Analysis

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Hazel Elizabeth Deborah Parker, also known as Squeaky, exemplifies determination to succeed through hardships, exhibits great confidence in her running talent, and she illustrates her impulse to protect Raymond. Squeaky displays determination, for she practices anytime anywhere. Squeaky’s mother expresses embarrassment, for Squeaky high prances down 34th Street, showing that she doesn’t care about other people’s judgements, and does whatever requires her to achieve excellence. Squeaky also runs in the morning, and whenever she takes a stroll, she practices her breathing exercises to further advance her talent. To declare success was Squeaky’s only objective. (#9 begin with an infinitive as the subject) Not to mention, she sacrificed many hours to improve on her running ability. Squeaky exhibits how she projects great confidence in her running abilities. Squeaky states “‘If things get too rough I run, and that anybody can tell you I’m the fastest thing on two feet,”’(1) which illustrates that she knows of her ability to outrun almost anybody. In fact, she embodies the fastest thing in the neighborhood, so the big kids call her Mercury.(#18 begin with a transition word)Overflowing with frustration, from Gretchen’s false rumors, Squeaky declares …show more content…

Even though Squeaky, a frail little girl, she does everything she can to protect Raymond from the bully's wrath. Walking briskly, Squeaky keeps Raymond on the inside of her, for he often wanders off through being subject to fantasies.(#7 begin with a past participial phrase) Squeaky exemplifies her alertness when she declares,”’ If anyone has anything to say to Raymond, anything to say about his big head, they have to come to me’”(1). When Mary Louise starts spitting insults at Raymond asking what grade he partakes in, Squeaky, protecting her brother, gets angry and stands up for him by saying,”’ if she has anything to say, she needs to say it

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