
Stamp Act Dbq

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1. Explain the Stamp Act (when it was passed, what it said, who it impacted) The Stamp Act was passed on March 22, 1765. It would take effect on November 1st of the same year. This act was used to pay a tax on basically every piece of paper. The people that it affected were the colonists. It was stated in the act that the admiralty courts would have jurisdiction over the offenders. This was viewed as an attempt to lessen the power of the colonial courts. The act was also apparently created to take money directly from the colonists. (SFI one, About Education) 2. Explain the Intolerable Act, also known as the Coercive Acts (when it was passed, what it said - there were 4 parts to the act – and who it impacted). The first of the intolerable acts was passed on March 31, 1774. The rest followed later in 1774. The first act said that there would be no landing, discharging, loading, or shipping in the Boston Harbor until the tea, which had been spilled, was paid for. The second act was an act that put the colony under direct British rule and limited the colonies power. The third act allowed the trials of British officials to be sent to another colony so that they wouldn’t have to face a trial under …show more content…

Many of these colonies believe that, as they were not directly represented in the British parliament, and any laws it passed affecting the colonists (such as the Stamp and Intolerable Acts) were illegal under the Bill of Rights. Congregational Pastor Jonathan Mayhew used this saying in a sermon in 1750. The phrase revives a sentiment central to the cause of the English Civil War following the refusal of parliamentarian John Hampden to pat ship money tax. This saying appeared for the fist time on February 1768 in London Magazine headline, in the printing of Lord Camden’s “Speech on the Declaratory Bill of the Sovereignty of Great Britain over the

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