
Stand And Deliver: Movie Analysis

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School of Rock is a classic movie (in the millennials’ generation) that almost no one can turn his/her head from. This movie gives off a friendly, outgoing, real perception of what a male teacher would present to a classroom. He makes the kids laugh, helps them learn, and gives off a masculine vibe that his students respect. Stand and Deliver is another movie showing how a male figure can make a junky, unorganized, failing classroom into a successful, vibrant, encouraging place to be. In most movies about education there will be the failing classroom with the not-so-great teacher. Then along comes the full-of-life, smart, male teacher, to help that classroom become one of the best. But what about the wonderful, smart, full-of-life women? Why …show more content…

Not many people can say that growing up they had a black, male teacher. They might be able to say they had a black male custodian, food service employee, or coach, or maybe even a Phy. Ed. teacher, but a black male teacher is very unlikely to come out of their mouth (Where). It is said that only 2% of all teachers in the U.S. are black males (Where). "According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 82% of public school teachers were white in 2011-2012 school year " (Where). Many schools use the term "fit" when selecting new teachers/administration and staff (Where). When someone is trying to select a new teacher for their school, or a new principal, they want that person to blend in and feel like they belong. They want the kids to feel like this person is a good, new addition to their everyday lives, and that this is someone they can trust. If someone hires a black man to be on their staff, that black man will change the racial backgrounds of the teaching faculty (Where). This is a big reason black males have a hard time finding teaching/administrative jobs in the U.S. They might be the perfect teacher and have all their puzzle pieces in tact, but just the color of their skin can change the situation in a blink of an eye. Everyone talks about having more male teachers and increasing their status in the education world, but not letting black males in because of the …show more content…

He was the only male teacher in his Allentown New Jersey school, besides the gym teacher." (ABC) When Philip came to the school for his first year teaching he encountered some odd looks and questions (ABC). He would have parents come into his office just to come and visit his classroom to see if their kids were honestly in his class (ABC). They just wanted to come in and see if it was for real (ABC). Not everyone thought that a male teacher was the right person to have their kids learning from. It was a different thought. A thought not all people could wrap their heads around. Philip reiterates that he is not the mommy figure all parents are looking for (ABC). Boys are challenging and if a kid is shy it will take him time to adjust (ABC). Even though many parents question the abilities of male teachers, many kids say they prefer male teachers. In elementary school the gender of the teacher is not so important; female or male, it does not matter all that much (Why). As soon as kids start getting into middle and high school though dynamics start to change (Why). Kids start to prefer male teachers (Why). According to,, students do try harder for male teachers and they are seen as more fair (Why). This is another reason that male teachers are an important part of kids lives and their education. But what about the male teachers that already

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