
Standardized Terminologies In Nursing Practice

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Applying Standardized Terminologies in Practice Hyperhemesis gravidarum is a condition in which the pregnant woman experiences severe nausea and vomiting. Although the causes of hyperemesis gravidarum are not well known; however, many believe that elevated blood level of human chorionic gonadotopin (HCG) may be a contributing factor of this condition. Currently the cause of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy is unknown, although there is strong evidence linking human chorionic gonadotropin or estrogens as well as genetic susceptibility possibly mediated through the vestibuloocular reflex pathway (Fejzo et al., 2012). The following case scenario refers to a 22 weeks pregnant woman admitted to the labor and delivery unit with severe nausea …show more content…

The North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) is one of the nursing terminologies that can influence nursing practice in a sense that nurses are able to use their cognitive activities before making decision. For this reason, defining a nursing diagnosis is of importance to guide the care of this woman diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidurum from the case scenario above described. As evidenced by the clinical assessment, lab values, and other findings, the appropriate nursing diagnoses for this patient would be severe electrolyte disturbances related to excessive vomiting in pregnancy as evidenced by elevated heart rate, and low potassium level. Another nursing diagnosis would be risk for preterm labor as evidenced by regular uterine contractions and short cervix. Nursing diagnosis concepts are needed to guide nursing practice, to increase the consistency of nursing care descriptions, to highlight the influence of nursing services on patients' outcomes, and to explain why nurses do what they do, for and with patients and families (Juvé Udina, Gonzalez Samartino & Matud Calvo, …show more content…

Nursing terminologies also help nurses to plan care that reflects the patient’s needs, anticipate these needs, and intervene accordingly. In addition, nursing informatics makes the use of standardized terminologies more important than ever because it allows differentiating the impact of nursing care from those of other disciplines. Thus, the standardization of nursing terminologies with documented nursing diagnoses, nursing interventions, and patient outcomes is important to nursing practice because it unifies the language among nurses and other healthcare providers, which will have a positive impact on the quality of

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