
Starfall Themes

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Throughout the short story, Starfall, there are many sources of intertextuality. The most obvious reference throughout the story is to the movie Interstellar (2014). Like in Starfall the plot of Interstellar is centered on the convention of civilisation versus nature. This is conveyed through the eventual destruction of planet earth, with the need to find somewhere else for humankind to live. In both stories the protagonist seems to find the answer to this daunting question in outer space.
Another movie which Starfall has intertextual references to is Implanted (2013). Although the two plot lines are completely different, both stories include an aspect of advanced biomedical technology. These two storylines use medical chips to deliver lifesaving medical treatment. Additional references throughout the story …show more content…

This technique was used only a couple of times throughout the story. It was used mostly when the protagonist was quoting statements made by the humans. For example, when the protagonist is watching the humans battle the clones at war he recalls statements made by the scientists who created the clones before they rebelled. In the first paragraph the use of italics is to give the words added impact by making them stand out, “words such as cancer, disease and infection…”
These techniques were used to help incorporate the themes of the story. Besides from alterity, which is a theme of every science fiction story, there are various themes in the tale Starfall. One of the major themes throughout Starfall is technology. This theme first appears with the biomedical implantation, but reoccurs with topics such as the clones, the destruction of earth and the injection of the intelligence serum. The second most prominent theme is war which combines with good versus evil. The war is between the clones and humankind, and later in the story between the clones, humankind and the

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