In the United States there are several different types of police officers, but the focus of this essay will be on local, state, and federal police officers. Local officers are those who are officers of a town, city, or county as per our text book, An Introduction to Policing. State police are those who enforce the laws of the entire state, like State Troopers. Federal police are those who have national power to enforce the laws of the nation. Although the State and Federal police forces would seem be much bigger or important, their roles are small in comparison to that of the local agencies. Here, we will compare the different agency’s patrols, duties, jurisdictions, and how much each agency works with the others. (Dempsey & Forst, 2016)
Local law enforcement’s main duty is patrol duties, whether that is on foot, or by bike or car. Because local police cover such a vast amount of territory, the duties are slightly different in metropolitan areas, rural areas, Indian country, and counties; however, the main focus is still on patrolling and emergency
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The local police are responsible for police protection, smaller offenses, drug related crime forces that are connected to both state and federal agencies, small-time immigration cases (in which the federal police are called) and emergency system participation. The state police are responsible for patrols of the highway, traffic enforcement, and small town patrols (which overlap with local police and the local jurisdiction), according to chapter two of the textbook. The federal police are mostly responsible for large-scale crimes like terrorism, crimes where the court is involved, border patrol, and internal investigations. Because the federal departments extend into several different branches, their jurisdiction overlaps both local and state jurisdictions, though an invitation is often necessary. (Dempsey & Forst,
In other words, local law enforcement officials are usually the first line of defense against potential terrorists as they are more likely to come into contact with each other rather than with federal law enforcement agencies. Therefore, police officers are amongst some of the most important and vital personnel this country has when preventing terrorism on American territory. He also articulated that his description of how local law enforcement contributes to homeland security is not mutually exclusive to terrorism. Local law enforcement officials also field the burden in trying to evacuate a city before a natural disaster occurs and calming or redirecting the general public during a state
Grant, H.B. and Terry, K.J. 2008: Law Enforcement in the 21st Century. (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle, River, NJ. Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Policing is a very difficult, complex and dynamic field of endeavor that is always evolves as hard lessons teach us what we need to know about what works and what don’t work. There are three different Era’s in America’s policing: The Political Era, The Reform Era, and The Community Problem Solving Era. A lot has changed in the way that policing works over the years in the United States.
Local law enforcement agency officials who basically represent cities, townships and villages, are mainly the initial enforcement front for criminal’s laws and traffic laws. The mayors, municipal police officers and chiefs among others, protect citizens and enforce laws although they are limited to their assigned jurisdiction. Local law enforcement may provide crime prevention, community policing programs and other programs to help in protecting its jurisdictions. One of the main role of the State law enforcement is to patrol and enforce the laws on state highways and rural areas. The also back up the sheriffs and local law enforcement areas when called to do so.
In the United States, there are city, county, state, and national police forces. They have very difficult and dangerous responsibilities. These public servants are required to perform many different jobs. They enforce laws and maintain order. They teach people how to help prevent crime and to protect themselves ( Mittleman, 2000). They offer assistance and take charge of many different situations such as car accidents, flooding, and hurricanes. Police
The topic of police in general, and the brutal beatings, shootings, and arrests that have occurred over the past couple of years in the United States has hit the media full force, leaving many wondering what actions should be taken to keep the peace. Many question the system as a whole, and the training police officers receive, as well as their mental health. Across the borders, police are trained differently and follow various policies that may seem ridiculous or foreign, however, when comparing and contrasting two police systems, the similarities may be alarming, and the differences may be great, but knowing the strengths and weakness of each different system, can help towards progressing to have a better system and better training for police officers.
Since the dawn of human kind, there has been some form of policing; whether that policing is based on taking revenge or the maintenance of public order and upholding the laws of the land. Although 200 years have passed, policing policies fundamentally has not changed. In this essay, I will be writing on early policing before the 19th century, policing in the 19th century, how policing evolved in America, policing now, and then compare the similarities and differences between today’s policing policies and those of the 19th century.
The principle role of police organizations is to uphold and enforce the law. Police organizations achieve this by safeguarding life and property, maintaining public order, and through detecting and preventing crime. Policing at the state level is composed of separate police organizations. At the state level we have the City or Local Police, County Sheriff and State Police, also known as Highway Patrol or State Troopers. The U.S. government gives each state the authority to self-govern so each state has its own Penal Codes and every state policing organization follows its own Penal Code. Policing at the Federal level is composed of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Secret Service, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). Federal policing agencies oversee all federal laws.
Numerous police agency’s and police officials work on a distinctive local, state, and federal level and role. It has its individual area, sectors, and function, and work according to local streets parts inside policing. In order for any local, state, and federal police division to work successfully it must hire chiefs, deputy’s, and sheriffs who retain leadership and who uses creative thinking skills to teach comprehensive, and aggressive instruction to make the police division a tougher department by holding all its workers tasks for doing his or her job according to its agency’s guidelines and procedures known as code of conduct. “Municipal police work for municipalities such as towns or cities, county police and deputy sheriffs work for counties, state police work for states, and federal police work for the federal government. Some have the same duties as one another or very similar duties, and some have different or additional duties. Their jurisdiction is sometimes the main difference. For example, a municipal police officer normally has primary
American Policing agencies have significantly changed since September 11, 2001, in a new age of international terrorism. American police departments agencies at all levels are now required to train for an increased amount of time and resources for possible terrorist attacks and to gathering the intelligence necessary to keep with the ongoing threats. Several police agencies have dedicating resources officers prepared for terrorist attacks and who gather information to head off possible risks. Local police often have to prevent, plan, and respond to medical, evacuations and security events which they did not have to in the past. Policing is commonly used to secure community event and increase patrols in worship places and other landmarks that
The two primary goals and objectives of policing are maintaining order and protecting life and property. Society emphasizes the police role as being crime fighters and public servants. With crime fighter’s role, criminals are the enemy and police are the “army” that are in “war” with the enemy. Police as a public servant perception is explained as the police having limited ability to affect crime rates and the police serve all the people including criminals. The police use of force should also be restricted with the public servant view. In reality, a police officer’s role is to do all of the above: protect and serve, monitor criminal activity, respond to emergency calls, issue tickets, make arrests, help citizens, listen, de-escalate situations, and so on.
Local law enforcement is a very diverse field ranging from simple School police to regional police, each deriving a part/all its authority from the local governing body. There main purpose is to investigate local crime along with protecting the local populace inside its jurisdiction. The United States initial
Gaines, L. K., & Kappeler, V. E. (2014). Policing in america (8th ed.). (S. Decker-Lucke, Ed.) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America: Anderson Publishing. Retrieved January 2017
A variety of police agencies to enforce the law is created by local, state, and federal law enforcement. Federal law enforcement agency is “A U.S government agency or office whose primary functional responsibility is to enforce
This English method also contributed three features: limited police authority, local control of the police agency, and a fragmented system of law enforcement (Walker, 1983). A fragmented system of law enforcement is very evident today. The United States currently has approximately 15,000 different police agencies. These individual police agencies are subject to little coordination with minimal national regulation (Walker, 1983).