
Status Of Immigrants

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Do immigrant people that crossed the border, deserve the same legal status as U.S Citizens, and should children born here with immigrant parents receive the same rights as a U.S citizen? An estimate of 60% of immigrants in America have lived here for over a decade, and the law states that foreigners that have lived in America over 5 years, are eligible for naturalization/ become a citizen. Also if a foreigner is married to a U.S citizen, and has lived in America for over 3 years, they are eligible as well. Children born here with immigrant parents have always had the same legal status as a casual U.S citizen because they're born here, which is supported by the 14th Amendment. Nowadays, America has started to overpopulate, and American Citizens …show more content…

citizen; According to Barack Obama, JD, “It will lift these individuals out of the shadows and give them a chance to earn their way to a green card and eventually to a citizenship”. Giving immigrants an opportunity to have a bigger legal status will lift them up, and make them seek for bigger and better things, for example, a citizenship. Immigrants shouldn’t be gifted the same legal status than American citizens but should be given the opportunity to earn their way to be a citizen of the United States Of America. Also According to Hillary Rodham Clinton, JD, “ American people support comprehensive immigration reform-- not just because it is the right thing to do, but because it strengthens families, our economy, and our country” ( Giving immigrants a citizenship is the right thing to do, and the American people support it, because it benefits our country, and the Americans know it’s the correct thing to do. Giving immigrants the honor of becoming a citizenship will bring to the country so much more than stronger families, economy, and a country. There are plenty of immigrants in my community that pay taxes, respect the law, and attempt to help out the country in any way or form they can. The one thing all immigrants are seeking for is the honor to become a U.S citizen. So many American citizens and other qualified people have the same opinion as me such as, ex-president Barack Obama and ex-president candidate Hillary Clinton all believe that Immigrants deserve a chance to earn, and accomplish their dream, which is become a U.S

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