
Status Quo in George Orwell´s Animal Farm Essay

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The cynical act of deceiving the less clever is, in fact, the gracious act of conveying a “truth” to the same latter group. This ideal is constantly formulated by a central government for the sole purpose of maintaining the classes at the status quo. In George Orwell’s Animal Farm, an allegorical satirical novel, the subject of Orwell’s satire is the byproduct of a revolution with Communist roots symbolized by a rebellion on a farm by the inhabited creatures. Two pigs from the animals, Snowball and Napoleon, self-establish themselves over the rest of their animals due to their superior intelligence. Being symbols of actual leaders, Snowball being Leon Trotsky while Napoleon being Joseph Stalin, history tells the reader what will occur. …show more content…

Also, Squealer at the end establishes a privilege but rejects the notion at the beginning to establish a persuasive setting. Then, Squealer is able to placate a possible tension by merely strengthening the animals’ dependence on the pigs and therefore able to convince the rest. A concluding example of Squealer’s lies, “That evening Squealer explained privately that Napoleon had never in reality been opposed to the windmill…Why… had he spoken so strongly against it? … ‘Tactics, comrades, tactics’!”(pg.22). This quote contains a lie stripping Snowball’s public figure, while embellishing Squealer’s superior, Napoleon. Squealer speaks upon the animals privately to actively engage his audience, making his lie indeed more credible. Although, Napoleon’s previous action of peeing on the windmill’s plans are more personal than logical, as tactics would have been doing this in public to enhance public recognition. Once Napoleon turns against Snowball, Squealer declares, “He was Jones's secret agent all the time. It has all been proved by documents which he left behind him and which we have only just discovered” (pg. 31). Although, it may seem Squealer is employing a lie that is a long-shot he employ a sub-technique. The context before this quote shows Snowball as a character that would never associate himself with

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