
Stem Cell Research Debate

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Stem cell research has already identified potential diseases it could combat against; from Cancer to Alzheimer’s, Diabetes to Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis to Huntington’s, and possibly many more. With such a wide array of possible beneficial outcomes of further researching stem cells, is it ethically sound? Or is this putting too much power in the hands of our scientist, who some believe are “playing god”? It is quite evident that there are great possibilities from further researching stem cells, but at what cost?
First, it is necessary to explore the background of stem cells and answer the questions that everyday people aren’t sure about. In the UK a recent study showed that 90% of adults aged 16+ had heard of “stem cells” but only 34% …show more content…

Plus the potential of stem cells are so vast that this may just be the tip of the iceberg. “Stem cell transplants have already changed—and saved—thousands of lives around the world. They have already been used to treat more than 75 diseases, including numerous types of malignancies, anaemia’s, inherited metabolic disorders and deficiencies of the immune system.” (Stem Cell Research News, 2010)
Stem cells have not only treated many diseases but have shown the potential to treat many more.

Stem cell research into heart disease has shown some very promising results. The potential method in using stem cells to treat heart disease is by replacing all of the damaged heart tissue with healthy …show more content…

Some believe that the benefit is much greater than the ethical problems and therefore, further developing our stem cell research is a must; “Stem cell research is the key to developing cures for degenerative conditions like Parkinson's and motor neuron disease from which I and many others suffer. The fact that the cells may come from embryos is not an objection, because the embryos are going to die anyway.” (Hawkings, 2006)
However, many people who believe that life starts from the moment of conception are against embryonic stem cell research because they view the destruction of the blastocyst as ‘murder’. While others believe stem cell research is putting too much power in the hands of our scientist, who they believe are “playing god”?
Stem cell research may solve many medical problems and cure diseases. Cancer to Alzheimer’s, Diabetes to Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis to Huntington’s, and possibly many more may all be solved by further stem cell research. But stem cell research may not be the “miracle” cure some hope it may be. If the research ends up showing us nothing, imagine how much time, money, and effort was wasted when it could’ve been spent on other treatment. With the uncertainty of stem cell research and the moral and ethical minefield we have to ask ourselves if it is all really worth

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