
Stepford Wives Sociology

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Avery gordon argues “to write stories concerning exclusion and invisibilities is to write ghost stories” meaning that when minority groups are neglected ghost stories emerge which express the narratives that are not talked about and have been ignored. If we do not tell the suppressed ghost stories, the oppressed individuals or groups who are excluded and invisible will truly become forgotten and society will not know their perspective and struggle. Storyteller picks and chooses which facts to keep and which to leave out. As historian Howard Zinn explains in A People’s History of the United States, “the historian’s distortion is more than technical, it is ideological; it is released into a world of contending interest, where any chosen emphasis …show more content…

However internalizing white supremacist values is not the only way dreams can die, patriarchal control can also result in dreams dying. In the movie Stepford Wives shows how people in Stepford live under patriarchy. During that time period of the movie it was during the 1970 where women started to fight against the patriarchal control and the feminism movement was slowly emerging. In the movie, the women there especially the wives, always tries to make their husband happy and that is to give up what they truly love. The husband, who are part of the men association, kills there wives and replace them with robot because the males wanted control and power. An example is when Joanna had to leave New York for her husband job. Joanna had to give up her dream as a photographer and move to a small town where there is no excitement. Joanna’s husband Walter, does not care about Joanna opinion. Even though Walter would ask Joanna about her opinion, Walter is the one who make the final decision. Another example is in Hong Kingston No Name Women when the aunt decided to kill her daughter and herself. Hong Kingston had said “Mother who loved their children take them along. It was probably a girl; there is some hope of forgiveness for boys.In Chinese culture the male has all of the power, and if they do wrong they will not be punish and they will be forgiven. As a result of patriarchy, women dreams dies because they where not allow to do what they want and they also had their standard that they cannot break free

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