
Stephen Curry's Influence On Basketball

Decent Essays

His absurd athleticism, his preposterous play, and his stunning shooting have lead to a revolution in his sport. 6’3”, 200 pound Golden State Warriors’ guard Steph Curry, 28, has thoroughly changed the sport of basketball over the course of his professional basketball career in three major ways. First, his mastery of the three point shot has proven that the three pointer is on the rise as it pertains to basketball shots. Second, his play has shown how people of average builds can be dominate in the sport of basketball. Third, his success has proven that professional basketball is operated differently than the days when monsters like Wilt Chamberlain and Larry Bird once controlled the area underneath the basket; basketball is now played from behind a curved arc on the hardwood: a boundary and a new opportunity for basketball players all over the globe: the three point line, and Stephen Curry is the reason, or at least part of the reason, that young players are transforming the game of basketball right before our eyes. Steph Curry has chosen to take a different path than most basketball players. He began his career just like any other, perfecting all aspects of his game. However, unlike most players, he chose to perfect the lowest percentage shot: the three pointer. The math doesn’t make sense when it comes to Stephen …show more content…

He has been one of the driving forces behind the “three point revolution”. He has paved the way for young players, and he has transformed the way basketball is played. Basketball used to be for tall people, who dominated the game by simply being larger than everyone else. Basketball was unexciting for some, due to the lack of enthusiasm and skill involved in a layup by a tall post player. “None of that is true anymore, thanks to one player: Stephen Curry, a butterfly with a jump shot who is reshaping people’s understanding of the game” (Cacciola

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