
Stephen King Why We Crave Horror Movies

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I have always been a fan of haunted houses, creepy shit, and scary movies. Just knowing that something might pop up, gives me the rush and thrill that I seek. Standing up to it, gives me the confidence to go and crave for more. I never wandered why like these terrifying things compared to my friends. But after reading “Why We Crave Horror Movies” by Stephen King, I got a better understanding of why I like horror movies and roller coasters as much as I do. In this article, King provided clear, locally related analogies to why we crave horror movies and portrayed credibility. He used ethos to attract with the reader throughout the article. King compares talking to ourselves and squinching our faces to being “mentally ill.” He uses this analogy to get a connection from the audience because every human being has a fear and/or phobia. He compares being fear of something to being mentally ill to create critical thinking. King categories the audience as being all the same to …show more content…

As hearts race, butterflies flap in the stomach, breathing builds up, a feeling senses as the eyes wide open, is it the same for fear and excitement? Stephen King compares roller coaster to being mentally ill because watching a horror film creates a feeling of fear. King states, “Which is not to say that a really good horror movie may not surprise a scream out of us at some point, the way we may scream when the roller coaster twists through a complete 360 or plows through a late at the bottom of the drop.” They are those rush feelings that give you the energy to run or to fight them. The only difference is the exhale. The feeling of not being able to catch your breathing patterns can make you feel like you can’t catch your breath. King uses the excitement of riding a roller coaster to the same emotions we get from watching a horror film. He compares the two to the same emotion and comes to the conclusion to why we crave these horror

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