
Stereotypes And Perception And Stereotypes

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Name Title What if I were to tell you that you that for the rest of your life, you would be unfairly judged, and possibly even discriminated against, based on false perceptions and ideas gathered from influences that only resemble you in the vaguest of ways, most likely being, skin color? And what if no matter how an individual person chooses to carry oneself, they will still commonly be regarded as a member of said misconceptions? Enter, stereotype: “A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.”(1) Much of how we as Americans operate and interact with other human beings is formulated based on perception and stereotypes. In today’s society, they are relatively inescapable, they are unfairly prevalent amongst particular communities of people, and they shape the ways in which our country is run. While many of these narratives hold ambiguous truths, it has proven unjust to label and act against entire groups of people based on the __________ actions of a few. No matter what scenario is being examined, the judgment and actions of the oppressor were proven prejudiced and ridiculing. Whether it be a discussion of segregation and Jim Crow or that of playground and cyberbullying, it is clear that many of the choices we as a people make that define another person’s character, may lack the proper amount of discernment. In the 21st century, where access to information is almost instantaneous, there seems to exist an

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