
Stereotypes And Prejudice In Romeo And Juliet '

Decent Essays

I believe stereotype & prejudice in Romeo & Juliet should be important in society because stereotype & prejudice still happens today like the Travon Martin case. Stereotype & prejudice is part of everyday society. Stereotype is to believe unfairly that all people or things with a particular characteristics are the same. Prejudice is an unfair feeling of dislike for a person or group because of race, sex, religion, etc.: a feeling of like or dislike for someone or something especially when it is not reasonable or logical. Like the wide variety of prejudices that exist in societies around the world, the consequences of the prejudices and the behavior influenced by them are similarly varied. Stereotypes are useful for the human brain because …show more content…

Travon Martin was 17 years old, black. On a Friday night he was killed. He was walking home & George Zimmerman shot him for no reason (because he was black). Zimmerman lied & said he was defending himself but they still found him guilty. This is prejudice & stereotype because Travon was black & shot for no reason. Till this day there is still no justice for Travon Martin.
Stereotype & prejudice occurred in Romeo & Juliet as well. Romeo & Juliet were star-crossed lovers at first sight. They both died because their family had a feud going on between the two families. Romeo thought Juliet was dead so he killed himself & as soon as he was dying Juliet saw him & killed herself. After their kids died they noticed how stupid their feud was towards each other. This is stereotype because they had a feud with each other for no reason, they just hated each other & it caused their children death.
Stereotype & prejudice is wrong & needs to change. It needs to change because it’s causing people their lives. A lot of people are losing their life for no reason because of stereotype & prejudice. It’s wrong because everyone should be treated the same. We all are equal human beings, so why get treated different from other people. The worst problem with stereotype & prejudice is black & whites, blacks get treated different because of our skin color. It’s not fair we are the same other than our skin color & that doesn’t even

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