
Stereotypes In Clothing

Decent Essays

Does your attire associate you with a certain race or any particular crowd of people? This is a topic that has created controversy for decades. To me, this is one of the many examples of stereotypes in today’s society. Growing up I have always been told that your appearance and choice of clothing is a reflection of who you are as an individual. I agree with this ideology to a certain extent, but I disagree just as much. I believe that a student can sag his/her pants and wear jewelry and still have what it takes to be a scholar. Why do I believe such a thing? Well, I am one of those students. Ever since I can remember, maybe since about 10 years old, I would always face disciplinary actions because of sagging. What was crazy about this was that I was always in the top percentile, if not the smartest, in class. …show more content…

I happen to know plenty of people who dress very professional on a daily basis, but cant speak a lick a proper English to save their lives. I also know people who don’t have to wear a suit and tie everyday, but can lose you with how proper they are able to speak. My English professor is a perfect example, he’s very versatile with his choice of clothing. This guy can wear a button up with a pair of slacks (dress pants) and utilize ebonics, but he can also wear jeans and gym and speak very articulate. Another example, rapper T.I, he wears baggy jeans cocks his hat and has this same affect and it is very awesome to me. I call this exposing the

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