
Women Leaders Who Broke Through the Glass Ceiling Essay

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Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, and Nancy Pelosi are four women leaders who have broken the glass ceiling in the world of politics and leadership. The one specific, predominant, and common characteristic that three of these superwomen possess that may be the reason for their success is their diplomatic ways and mirroring styles. Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton, and Nancy Pelosi are the three leaders who have strategically incorporated the ability to mirror those they have dealings with.
Men have often mirrored each other with wearing the same color suits. IBM was good with this concept as they required all employees to wear navy blue suits – both men and women. It became their “preference” and their “identity.” …show more content…

It made it a “club” effect. People feel comfortable if they are in surrounding with people who dress the same, think the same, and act the same. For women, this was not the case until more and more women became part of the political world where they had a say. In order to make the “scene” comfortable, the women dress, talk, and act like those they will be keeping company. It is quite appropriate to see Hillary Clinton dress in the garb of foreign countries when dining with the wives of political leaders. It is the ice-breaker that leads to “breaking the glass ceiling.”
Leader They Most Resemble
President Barack Obama dresses the traditional garb of the country he visits. He feels this is a way to connect with the people of the country. It brings with it the idea of meeting on the same level. It creates a neutral ground and it allows for opening the door for conversation about each other than intimidation. Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton, and Nancy Pelosi all have followed this technique and it works well for them.
The Leadership Theory They Would Utilize Effectively
There are eight leadership theories that could be utilized in their efforts to “fit in.” These theories are as follows:
• Great Man
• Trait
• Contingency
• Situational
• Behavioral
• Participative
• Management
• Relationship

The theory they would utilize most effectively based on

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