
Stereotypes In Edwardo Portillos

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Throughout Edwardo Portillos story connections are made between youthful gang members and actual violent criminals. Depicting the diverse issues that take place in our society today, the depiction of Latinos and Latinas as being commonly associated with gangs and drug abusers. As well as the depiction of police profiling and police monitoring that take place in certain areas. The quote “if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it must be a duck (Mann, 2006)” clouds police officers and other law official’s judgements when interacting with Latinos and Latinas youth and adults. Simply because of the way they dress and their mannerisms they use when they’re in public socializing. Within Portillos story he manages to explain how and why Latinos and Latinas are grouped into this stereotype. The stereotypes include unfair punishments, unfair judgements, police profiling and extra police monitoring. A study that proves the Latins are treated with unfair punishments found that “Latinos and Latinas youths are 24 percent of the population yet make up 30 percent of all referrals to juvenile’s court, 37 percent of all detainees, and 44 percent of youths committed to secure juvenile institutions (Mann, 2006).” They also receive unfair judgements that comes from individuals who associate every Latin with gangs. In addition to the unfair punishments and unfair judgements they also receive extra police monitoring. Without any extra translators for the parents or children who are

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