
Stereotypes In The Book Speak

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wise woman once said “Stereotypes are fast and easy/ but they are lies/ and the truth takes time.” Deb Caletti. This quote follows stereotyping by saying that they are fast and easy, but what people tell them are not always true. That what people say about someone doesn’t always mean that they have to believe what they are saying. People don't defines them, the only person that define them is themselves. Stereotyping is a big problem in books, movies, and even the world.
In the book Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson Melinda say,“ We fall into our clans: Jocks, Country Clubbers, Idiot savants, Cheerleaders, Human Waste, Eurotrash, Future Fascists of America, Big Hair Chix, the Martha's, Suffering Artist, Goths,Shredders. I am clanless.” Melinda

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