
Stereotypes In The Workplace Essay

Decent Essays

A prevalent problem which modern society faces are the self formulated prejudices towards people based on characteristics they cannot control, these judgments are also known as stereotypes. They can range from racial and cultural stereotypes to stereotypes in professional workplaces. Instead of welcoming the differences among people and using them beneficially, stereotypes are used to attack a person’s identity. The way a person looks and what they believe in are usually the basis of these attacks. Features such as skin color and ethnic background have the most deeply rooted stereotypes. Some examples of common stereotypes can be traced back many years in a time where there was racial segregation, specifically amongst White Americans and African Americans. One race assumed superiority over the other, which in turn led to the …show more content…

Examining certain scenarios in the workplace will help illustrate this. For example, during an interview for a job, stereotypes can arise as soon as the interviewee sits down. “Generalizations based on their look and culture are instantaneously made” (Langton, 2016), and these assumptions dictate the tone of the interview. As a result, the interviewee could be judged as unfit for the job, which in turn comes across as an act of discrimination. However, a person is not limited to being unaware of stereotypes before they enter the interview; understanding the fact that an individual can be subject to stereotypes can dictate their behavior. This is an example of the “self fulfilling prophecy” (Langton, 2016). “ This is when a person’s actions are determined by the expectations of other perceivers” (Langton, 2016). “Meaning an employee will only produce to the level of output expected of them” (Langton,

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