
Stereotypes Of The American Indian Mascot

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The United States of America has over two-thousand sport organizations that portray the American Indian people as a mascot. Ninety-two percent of these sport organizations are high schools, which means roughly around eight percent of high schools have the American Indian mascot in some form (FiveThirtyEightSports). Frankly, this is an unacceptable statistic.This promotes racist mental images from a young age, and can lead many generations to recycle this outdated representation of Natives. One might ask if an American Indian mascot is really that harmful, but there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that supports the motion that such a mascot is disastrous to the Native community. The imagery that the American Indian mascot perpetuates is negative stereotyping, generalization of the race, and is inaccurate in its portrayal, which can lead to dangerous consequences for the American Indian population. One of the biggest issues that Natives face when it comes to mascots, is that the American Indian mascot is demeaning and harmful, which leads to damaging stereotypical representation of the American Indian race (Minnesota Daily). The Atlanta Braves, a professional baseball team in the United States, has a logo that depicts an American Indian with his mouth wide open as if he is yelling; this image is named “The Screaming Savage” (Yahoo!Sports Canada). “The Screaming Savage” is just one of the many professional logos that use slurs or detrimental imagery to represent its

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