
Stereotypes Of Women In Today's Society

Decent Essays

How would you feel if you studied hard for the duration of your educational life and that when you entered the work force, your future become full of rejections? And this was all due to your sex? Women today have been restricted in progressing in society due to their stereotypical ‘inabilities’ and have been struggling to climb the corporate ladder. This was due to: stereotypes, competition for jobs and their different perspectives. In result of this, women in today’s society deserve the opportunities of leadership positions that they are worthy for to give a wider spectrum to the work force.
Main Reasons/Arguments
Women have been stereotyped for being weaker in society. Yes women clean up the dishes. Yes women do the washing. Yes women clean up the house, but so do men. Even though men are tougher than women, doesn’t mean that women can’t do the work that men do. Atticus, in the novel ‘To Kill a Mocking Bird’, worked for long hours leaving Calpurnia (housemaid) caring, cooking and cleaning at the home. Typically at the time setting of the novel, women were only used for having children, caring for the family and doing household tasks. Today, women aren’t usually associated with house chores, but are now seen as being incapable of doing masculine jobs. These stereotypes have put down women in the society and has …show more content…

As a woman, don’t you want a job? Don’t you want to be the owner of a large business? Don’t you want to be the CEO of the largest company in the world? Being a woman can stop these dreams from becoming a reality. As stated by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA, 2015), in Australia only 12% of women hold chair positions, 17.3% in CEO positions, 23.7% in directorships and only 26.1% as the key management personnel. As seen by these statistics, men have taken over 70% of leadership positions in Australia and leading on from this, women result in having lower pay

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