
Stereotypes That Cause Muscle Dissatisfaction In Fashion Magazines

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Fashion articles, fitness magazines, and commercials drive a negative complex when it comes to body image in society. Studies have shown that commercialized beauty has caused muscle dissatisfaction to increase, appearance orientation to rise and positive comparisons to deplete. Mass media is the number one contributor to the way a woman or man should feel about their bodies. All across the globe, images are sent out of muscular men and petite woman, and this has caused a major dissatisfaction in body image. In a study done by Hargreaves and Tiggemann, it shows the increase in appearance comparison after men were shown television commercials that contained muscular appearance ideals for men, and normal non-appearance centered commercials. With one-hundred and four male undergraduates (age 18-35) in this study, and eighty-four hours of commercial tapings the …show more content…

Tiggemann gathered one-hundred and forty-four female undergraduates for the study (between 18 and 35 years) and presented them with fashion magazines either centered on thin ideals of beauty or an advertisement containing only beauty products. In the study positive mood comparisons depleted the more the women were shown fashion magazines containing thin body ideals. The negative mood compared to the positive in the information given was an average of 15.66% in difference. Also, the thin ideal images produced an average of 51.39% in body dissatisfaction compared to the control that had an average of 46.42% when shown only products. Yes, models are what women and men look to when consuming a product, but because that’s what our society is based on, they should represent all kinds of body types and not the one that seems social and culturally acceptable. Trends come and go but they shouldn’t set the bar for the way and individual should

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