
Stereotypes : The Influence Of Identity And Social Media

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Identity is like a fingerprint. It is unique to the individual. That identity is a collection of the people that person has met and the experiences they have been through. In what way they express themselves can have an effect on who they meet and what choices they make in life. People take an interest in others from what their hobbies and skills are. Similar obsessions lead to closeness as a result of shared passions. Those people that surround you influence your identity, even with such similarities, there are variations between you and them. As you become acquainted those variations slowly change your identity and there is a change in obsessions. Whether it is through stereotypes from the past and still exist today or through people seen on social media, which has become increasingly popular over the years. There are an abundance of factors in society that have an impact on identity, social media being one of the most influential. These influences have been around for a long time, but are only being recognized now. When judging someone too quickly to fully understand them people create stereotypes. Through these stereotypes people start to have expectations, they believe that everyone is the same consequently they start to associate certain people together. These people are treated identically despite them being completely different human beings. One person or a limited group of people are not an acceptable representation of the larger group therefore stereotypes can

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