
Stereotyping In 'Battle Royal And I Hated Tonto'

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Throughout the works “Battle Royal” and “I Hated Tonto (Still Do)” the psychological issues associated with racial stereotyping are confronted and explored through the use of literary devices including foreshadowing, allusion, imagery, tone, narration, literary structure, repetition, word choice, and symbols. These works both confront racial stereotypes of African American and Native American people by examining the harmful and all encompassing nature of the psychological damage racial stereotypes cause. Although contrasting in their uses of different literary devices and examination of different racial stereotypes, these works both aim to illustrate the perpetual state of self-hatred, disillusionment with one’s race and culture, and pursuit …show more content…

In the last paragraph of “Battle Royal” the narrator describes a dream he has of his grandfather and him at a circus where he reads a letter he finds within the briefcase the white men at the Battle Royal gave him. The letter reads, “To Whom It May Concern, Keep This Nigger-Boy Running (271).” It isn’t stated in this paragraph what the letter means, and the narrator implies he didn’t understand its meaning until after he attended college. This use of foreshadowing confronts the narrator’s current and future experiences with racism through the multiple meanings that can be implied from the letter. “Keep This Nigger-Boy Running,” could be a reference to the narrator’s continual attempts to adopt white cultural values and gain white acceptance, which can be seen as his running from his African American community and blackness. This statement could also be thought of as an allusion to runaway slaves during the pre civil war era, where the letter could be referring to the narrator as a runaway slave, possibly running toward college or some other place trying to escape from the racism and racial stereotyping he is subject to in his …show more content…

By including this letter, the work confronts racism and racial stereotyping through its use of the letter as a symbol and foreshadowing figure for the past, present, and future racism and stereotyping the narrator has and will encounter. It also seems that by including this passage the work is confronting the never ending nature of racism and the lasting psychological damage inflicted on

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