
Steroid Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

Being an athlete means that there would be an encounter, at some point in their career, with immense pressure from peers or coaches, to excel, to win. Sometimes professional athletes would begin desire to be the best, to become stronger, faster and better. Doing so would help their careers and finances, it could even guarantee fame for the athletes. Their cravings for success and better athletic performance could be because of either personal reasons or for material gain, such as medals and money. Some of them even turn to performance-enhancing drugs such as steroids or anesthetics, their reasons for doing so are usually to lose weight, to gain more muscle or to relax and stimulate their bodies. It’s not a surprise that there are preventions for athletes to use performance-enhancement drugs, even consequences for the rule-breakers. Yet why do they still risk getting caught, and risk achieving physical damage to their bodies. Solution …show more content…

Genes are “the building blocks of our bodies” states AMA, because of how they act like instructions of sorts and carry the information that would help create proteins, they’re made up of hundreds of DNA and according to the Human Genome Project, humans have about 20,000 to 25,000 genes in them. Originally gene therapy was intended to be used for treating and curing diseases, which are caused by mutations in the genes, and by injecting in healthy DNA into the cells, it “repairs” the genes that are missing or not working properly. Genetic enhancement can be used for athletes, it’d be considered “gene-doping” though, technically the same process except with a different

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