
Steroids In Sports Research Paper

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If you’re a big sports fan like me, we’ve all at least heard and/or said “Wow, what is he taking? He’s so good!” when talking about an athlete. Most of the time we’re just kidding when we joke that an athlete must be taking some kind of drug to play at such an elite level. Other times are suspicions are actually true when an athlete admits to taking some form of performance enhancing drug (PED). For example, Mark McGwire used androstenedione (andro), a then-legal steroid precursor, to help shatter baseball’s thirty-seven-year-old single-season home run record. According to Whitman (2008), who wrote an article for the University of Illinois Review pertaining to the use of PEDs in sports, “PEDs have tainted many sports, including track and field, …show more content…

Athletes who use PEDs experience an increase of strength in the muscles, tendons, and bones. This allows them to train more aggressively with fewer injuries. Some of the health consequences I alluded to earlier, are some of the better known but less serious side effects that are infertility in men, the worsening of acne, balding and steroid rage (Woerner, 2013). Some of the most dangerous side effects that could be deadly are heart and liver damage as well as an increased danger for blood clots. Unfortunately, athletes do not seem to mind the health consequences because of the immediate benefits of PEDs. According to Fogel (2012), “through the chemical augmentation of steroids, athletes are able to achieve athletic feats that they would not otherwise be able to do” …show more content…

Simple. Athletes who use PEDs, or “cheaters” as other people would say, are ahead of the testers. According to Dvorak, Saugy, and Pitsiladis (2014) “the increase in the number of individual drug tests conducted between 2005 and 2012 was approximately 90,000 and equivalent to an increase of about 50%, yet the number of adverse analytical findings remained broadly the same” (p. 1). For example, look at Alex Rodriguez. We all know about the first time he adamantly said he had never used PEDs but then later admitted to it and said that he would never do it again. But yet years later to now he was found to have used again but he again denied it and his main argument was that he never failed a drug test. Come on now Alex, did you learn your lesson the first time around? He later admitted to the DEA that he did in fact take PEDs once again. What a surprise. Some implications of an athlete found to be using PEDs is a loss of sponsors for the athletes and/or the team he/she plays for. Loss of sponsors equals and a loss of money and money is what the sports business thrives on. But how does the public opinion of an athlete change? Will fans be loyal and still cheer for that athlete or move

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